Wednesday, January 14, 2015


When I was a decade younger..I just couldn't stand my dad! Why ? Because I thought he was too calculated and too stiff and not spontaneous enough.

I wondered to myself why my mum even decided to marry him.
I had so many questions and  loathed him in my heart.

...Daddy can we have money to buy ice cream? "No! Monday, that will be your snack money". Arghhhhh..... what a stiff I thought to my self.

My dad would require a list of all we need for every time school re-opened and we were returning to boarding school.
He would demand that we compared prices of stores and come up with the lowest prices on our list.

After all that hard work, He would cross out 3/4 of  the list and decide for you what's necessary ..imagine  the agony of a teenage girl.

"I decided to study hard make my own money and spray money all over him as revenge..Ha!"

As years passed by, his actions became lesson notes for me.And it highlighted to me the successful life of a Man who planned his every  move.

I began to see a meticulous man who worked hard for his money and did not believe in spending it lavishly on caprices or whimsy desires outside his game plan. He managed a large family like it was no big deal. 

Today I buy groceries from the stores with the lowest prices because it makes a lot of sense. Not to say that I have totally arrived, impulse is a daily battle for a young woman like me and oh boy i know i'm not alone.... can I get a witness (in a southern American preacher's voice)

....Choose planning over allowing the tides take the issues of your life where they may go.

"Spontaneity is not evil but its like a spice you don't need to much of it " 

"spontaneity is like a spice you don't need to much of it" planning and priority is the name of the game.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Happy New year Everyone. Yep ! we are already few days into January.
Well I just want to talk about something we all know about......


So really what is love.
Does it have a definite description
Or could it mean differently to everyone
Is it an emotion or an action
or both
Is it something we would ever be able to 
wrap our minds around.
Or is it simply meant not to be understood.
Just the other day I wrote these words down...

"To me, love is like music, it creeps into your heart without permission and before you know it, you'd be singing the words to the song"
But thats not an all conclusive definition of love.
Sometimes love is  a conscious effort.
And oh yea by the way its not always fun either.
         "love is a strong force which stands against all odds"
Its a shame how we use the word very loosely
and never reflect on what it means.
Did you know love is long suffering..
and its kind too.
Love keeps no record of wrong.

                    "love is being kind to yourself even after you messed up"
Love is selfless...
This aching world needs love
It needs you and I.
Love is expressed in action and not words only
It gives and expects nothing back
Spare an extra dollar next time you see a hungry brother on the street
...that's love.
Spare a minute to listen to the tales of the broken hearted
...that's love

Happy New Year and spread the LOVE y'all