Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Its Worth The Wait!!!

I once decided to help a friend with housesitting while she went out of town for two weeks. She had some renovation being done in the house and she didn’t want to leave access to her house with total strangers. (Which seems fair to me)

Anyway, both weeks were good. Everything went as planned.
On the Friday night of week one, I craved for some rice and chicken stew for dinner. I already had some stew stored in the fridge ( don’t tell  her but she’s not the best of cooks so I came prepared). So the only thing left was for me to boil some rice.

Apparently my friend didn’t really give me a tour around the house, she just yelled “I owe you one”! and she flew out the door as soon as i got in. So here I was left to find where everything was on my own. After a few trial and error attempts, I found a cute little saucepan and a bag of rice. I put the rice on fire and realized that I forgot to find the lid for the saucepan. So I turned of the fire and dived into the cabinet in search of it. For a good 5 minutes I couldn’t find it. At this point my patience was running out and so was my growling stomach.

I found a lid that was few inches larger than the actual lid which would have fit perfectly. I turned the fire back on and put the oversized lid on and gave the rice sometime to cook. The final outcome was not exactly how I liked my rice. It was too soft. Since the saucepan wasn’t fully covered the steam alone was not enough to cook it to perfection like I am used to so while it was parboiled I added some more water.
Guess what later I just chanced on right the lid lying in the next cabinet. I would leave you to imagine how angry I was with myself.

In choosing the right future partner, that’s exactly how it can turn out if we don’t take our time to look.  In this story its just rice no big deal! But marriage is a big huge deal! We know exactly what we are looking for but after a while of waiting and praying to God about it we get inpatient and just settle for something close but not exactly it. 

                  "Patience is not only the ability to wait but also keeping a good attitude while you wait"                                                    -Joyce Meyer

Like the story, your rice will cook alright but it will not be how you like it. Therefore you'd eat it but not enjoy it. In other words, you would live in a marriage which is a good thing but you will be unhappy.
Notice, that I later found the perfect lid? See that’s how many people cheat in their marriages. But the funny thing is, while you are married, every other person ceases to become the perfect choice in Gods eye. The one you married is your perfect choice. 

I urge you today to be patient, take your time, don’t rush. Decide to work it out with God and get it right once and for all. Sometimes you hear people say no marriage if  fun anyway.... Ha! There are many people who are enjoying their marriages because they made the right choice. Don’t be another contribution to today’s ever increasing divorce rates. 
Get it right!