Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Old Dog Syndrome


......its said you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

In these times of continuous technological advancement it has  become impetuous to be more willing to learn and  undergo around the clock updating, that is if we really want to be relevant in our society.

Occasionally, I come across people who have become so comfortable with obsolete ways of doing things. They exude such bitterness and anger at the world for advancing and leaving them behind. They are so full of stories about how they were the best at what they did centuries ago and quickly follow up with expressing how everything changed and left them behind. They loathe the younger generation with a passion immeasurable because in their eyes the younger generation robbed them of their glory days.

We live in a world where theories which were once accepted and viewed as schools of thoughts have now been totally annulled and rendered obsolete. Growing up, I have always known that there are 9 planets in the solar system but now its eight. The International Astronomical Union  revised the requirement for “Planethood” and Pluto didn’t make the cut.
Textbooks have been revised and we are all have to move forward with the new findings unless we can prove otherwise.

We all need to painstakingly, avoid what I call the “Old Dog Syndrome” where we refuse to advance with the times. Not to say that these technological advancement don’t come with their own crosses to bear but with a birds eye view the advantages totally supersede its vices. We have to be ever ready to be schooled in one way or the other.

Its very ironic how we are do so well in keeping up with updating the apps on our phones so we can get the best out of it and yet we drag our feet when its time to go for that meeting explaining how to use the newly installed software. It takes a conscious effort and a humble spirit of course.

It shouldn't always be the traditional way of learning, however if we have that readiness to learn new things no matter where we go or who we interact with, it make a ton of difference.

Lets catch up …lets get relevant!!


  1. Word!
    I didn't even know Pluto was out now. Gonna read more on that to know why. Information is power, right? ☺

    1. yes it is..and that shows us how much we need to catch up.
