Thursday, March 19, 2015

What a little boy thought me without saying a word!

As usual I hopped on a bus from work, home bound drained and ready to pass out. Something different happened this time. I would normally just close my eyes and try and catch a power nap before I got to my stop.

I couldn’t help but notice this time a cute little boy about the age of 2 or 3 years seriously engaged in a conversation with his dad. This little boy and his dad captured my admiration and curiosity as to what they were talking about.
So I screen out all background noises and cast my focus on what they were saying.

Apparently, their conversation was mainly about things going on around us in real time , what they were or why they were there and things like that.

 At one point, the little boy asked his dad about an ambulance which passed by and why our bus had to stop. Well dad gave a good reply. I kept watching the little boy because within that few minutes I had spent observing, I knew there was a follow up question….no
lets make that questions.

Dad on the other hand looked really drained and tired and he probably had picked little cute guy from school. His countenance suggested someone not in the mood for a game of  50 questions. Unfortunately for dad, he was asked another question and he hadn’t given an answer. Looks like dad was so lost in his own thought he didn’t hear what his son was saying.

This little boy just kept asking the same question over and over again. At a point he even rephrased his sentence into a summarized version. How cute!
What was even more interesting to me was this little guy’s mood did not change he was still his playful self though he hadn’t gotten his answer yet. Finally dad snaps out of  it and gives him and answer and guess what? The questions kept flowing unbridled.

This little boy reminded me of something that I knew but more so he sealed it on my mind forever. Sometimes we ask God through prayer for things and it seems its not happening and then we give up.
Like the little boy who trusted in his dad who had answered previous questions to answer this particular question that took a little longer, so should we also trust in our God who has been our help in ages past to answer our other requests that seem to be stalling.
Don’t give up keep asking and surely God will answer.



  1. Hm, you know some people also say the more you keep praying about the same thing, it's like you don't trust God had heard your prayers and the answer is already on the way coming. I believe, like the Bible says, that we should pray without ceasing. Still praying 🙏 about something doesn't mean you don't trust God has answered you already but rather you making God know He is the only one you believe can help you with the issue you are praying on. This is what I think, so I totally agree 👍 with you.

    Thanks for sharing with the world 🌍

  2. Thanks P ..U couldn't have put it any better!! If God asked us to pray without ceasing He probably has a good reason for that.
